Nebraska CPC or PDH for Professional Engineers

Professional Development Hours (PDH) Requirements
Continuing education for licensed Professional Engineers in Nebraska

Here is a summary of the PE continuing education requirements mandated by the State of Nebraska Board of Engineers and Architects.

Professional Engineers PDH package discounts

Last updated on March 5, 2019

PDHengineer’s credits are accepted by your state engineering board

PDHengineer Triple Guarantee

PDHengineer credits have been accepted by every U.S. state engineering board that mandates continuing education for engineers. In fact, no PDHengineer course or webinar has ever been rejected by a state licensing board. We’re so confident about the acceptability of our PDH credits that every PDHengineer course and webinar comes with the PDHengineer Triple Guarantee.

If your state licensing board does not accept any PDHengineer course or webinar:

  • We will give you a full refund
  • We will pay for a replacement course or webinar
  • We will pay any associated license renewal penalties or late fees

Disclaimer: The information listed above represents a summary of the Board’s requirements and is provided solely for the convenience of’s users. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided, Decatur Professional Development, LLC and its affiliate make no guarantee regarding the accuracy or completeness of the data listed above. It is the responsibility of each engineer to investigate the Board’s rules to ensure his/her own compliance. You are strongly encouraged to contact the Board directly for a complete listing of the Board’s current requirements.