Avinash Prasad, P.E., PLS, PP, PhD, Fellow ASCE
Avinash Prasad, P.E., PLS, PP, PhD, Fellow ASCE, is a registered professional engineer, land surveyor, and professional planner with more than 30 years of experience in the civil engineering, land surveying, and management fields. He has been a registered land surveyor in the states of New York and Connecticut since 2017 and 2004, respectively. He is also a registered professional engineer in five states: NJ, NY, CT, MA, and RI. Mr. Prasad is a Doctor of Philosophy candidate at New York University. His NYU doctorate degree specialization is Bridge Asset Management. Mr. Prasad additionally has double Master of Science degrees in Civil Engineering and Engineering Management from the New Jersey Institute of Technology, and a BS degree in Civil Engineering. He is a New Jersey state-certified emergency medical technician (EMT), emergency medical responder (EMR), and firefighter (FF). Mr. Prasad is a Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers, and he is an active member of several professional organizations such as AREMA, PMI, AISC, NYSAPLS, IPWE, IRT, and IIBE. His research papers have been accepted and published by several technical magazines, including Railway Track and Structures. Mr. Prasad’s technical papers were accepted in AREMA and ASCE conference proceedings for presentations and or publications multiple times. Mr. Prasad is a professional speaker and has been providing professional development hours for professional engineers and land surveyors for more than a decade.